How To Use a Pick Tool: Full Guide


As someone passionate about hands-on projects and outdoor activities, I’ve come to appreciate the value of a good pick tool, also known as a pickaxe. This versatile tool is a must-have for various tasks, from breaking through hard soil to removing rocks and debris. In this article, I’ll share some of the best techniques for effectively using a pick tool, along with essential safety precautions and maintenance tips. Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Pick Tool

A pick tool, often referred to as a pickaxe, is a powerful tool designed for tough jobs. It typically consists of two main parts: the head and the handle. The head is the business end of the pick, featuring a pointed or chisel-like edge on one side and a broader, flattened blade on the other. The handle provides the grip and leverage needed to deliver controlled strikes.

Selecting the Right Pick Tool

Choosing the right pick tool is crucial to getting the job done efficiently. There are different types of pick tools available, each designed for specific tasks. For instance, a pointed pick is excellent for breaking through hard ground, while a mattock pick is ideal for digging and cutting roots. Consider the type of work you’ll be doing and the materials you’ll encounter.

The weight of the pick tool matters as well. A heavier pick can deliver more force, but it might also tire you out faster. The handle length is another factor to consider. A longer handle provides greater leverage, making it easier to break through tough surfaces.

Safety Precautions

Before we get into the techniques, let’s talk safety. Using a pick tool can be physically demanding, and there’s always a risk of accidents. It’s essential to take the necessary safety precautions:

  1. Wear Protective Gear: Always wear gloves to protect your hands, and don’t forget safety glasses to shield your eyes from flying debris.
  2. Watch Your Posture: Maintain a stable stance, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and keep your back straight. This posture reduces the strain on your body.
  3. Clear the Area: Make sure the area around you is clear of obstacles and other people to prevent accidents.
  4. Controlled Strikes: Practice controlled swings, and never swing the pick tool above shoulder height to avoid losing control.

Effective Techniques for Using a Pick Tool

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some effective techniques for using a pick tool:

Basic Swing Techniques

  1. The Overhead Swing: This is the classic swing you’ve probably seen in movies. Raise the pick above your head and swing it down, aiming for the spot you want to break. Use your core muscles for power and follow through with the swing.
  2. The Side Swing: Hold the pick at your side, parallel to the ground. Swing it in a controlled arc, directing the force toward your target. This technique is great for accuracy and precision.
  3. The Diagonal Swing: A diagonal swing combines elements of the overhead and side swings. It’s useful for targeting specific angles, making it a versatile technique.

Breaking Hard Soil or Rocks

  1. Creating a Starting Point: When dealing with hard soil or rocks, start by creating a small indentation or crack. Use the pick’s pointed edge to make a dent, and then gradually increase the force.
  2. Repeated Strikes: Consistency is key. Keep striking the same spot multiple times to break through tough surfaces. Take short breaks to avoid fatigue.

Loosening and Lifting

  1. Digging Techniques: To dig efficiently, angle the pick and use the chisel-like edge to break the ground. As you loosen the soil, angle the pick further to lift it.
  2. Lifting and Removing Debris: Once you’ve loosened the soil or rocks, use the flat side of the pick’s head to lift and remove debris. This saves energy compared to just using your hands.

Maintenance and Care

To prolong the life of your pick tool, here are some maintenance tips:

  1. Keep It Clean: After use, clean off dirt and debris from the head and handle.
  2. Store Properly: Store the pick tool in a dry place, away from moisture and direct sunlight. Hang it on a wall or place it in a rack to prevent damage to the head or handle.


Using a pick tool effectively requires a combination of proper techniques, safety precautions, and a well-maintained tool. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you’ll be able to tackle challenging projects with confidence. Remember to prioritize safety, choose the right pick tool for the job, and maintain it to ensure years of reliable use. Happy picking!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do I choose the right pick tool for my project?: Consider the type of work you’ll be doing and the materials you’ll encounter. A pointed pick is great for hard ground, while a mattock pick is ideal for digging and cutting roots.

Q2. Can I use a pick tool for gardening?: Yes, a pick tool can be useful for breaking up compacted soil in your garden. However, choose a lighter pick with a comfortable handle for gardening tasks.

Q3. How can I prevent blisters while using a pick tool?: Wear sturdy gloves to protect your hands and take breaks to rest your grip.

Q4. Is it necessary to wear safety gear when using a pickaxe?: Absolutely. Safety glasses and gloves are essential to protect yourself from flying debris and potential hand injuries.

Q5. What’s the best way to store a pick tool?: Store it in a dry place, away from moisture and direct sunlight. Hanging it on a wall or placing it in a rack is a good way to prevent damage.


Using a pick tool, commonly known as a pickaxe, is a versatile skill that enthusiasts and outdoor enthusiasts can benefit from. This article provides a comprehensive guide to effectively utilizing this powerful tool. The first step is understanding the pick tool, its components, and the importance of selecting the right type based on the intended use and material. Safety is paramount, and wearing protective gear, maintaining proper posture, and controlled swings are essential to prevent accidents.

The article covers various swing techniques, including the classic overhead swing, the precise side swing, and the versatile diagonal swing. For tackling tough tasks like breaking hard soil or rocks, creating a starting point and employing repeated strikes are recommended techniques. Loosening and lifting techniques, along with advice on digging and removing debris, further enhance the reader’s skills.

Maintenance and care tips include regular cleaning and proper storage to extend the pick tool’s lifespan. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of safety, choosing the right tool, and proper maintenance. With this article’s guidance, enthusiasts can confidently take on various projects, maximizing the potential of their pick tools while ensuring safety and longevity. Happy picking!

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Daniel Murphy

As an avid home improvement enthusiast, I aim to provide practical advice and guidance on garage tools. Let's discover the perfect tools for your needs and explore the exciting world of DIY projects together.

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